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Does Lanthanum Hexaboride Apply for Solar Energy?


Lanthanum hexaboride (LaB6) is a well-known thermionic material that has been widely used for its ability to emit electrons, particularly in sintered hexaboride ceramics. LaB6 has been utilized to build hot cathodes for a diverse range of applications, including electron guns in cathode tubes, cathodes for plasma production, and electron microscopes. Its versatility and reliability make it a popular choice in the field of electron emission technology.

Lanthanum hexaboride (LaB6) is a promising candidate for use as a solid absorber in Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) systems. Bulk LaB6 materials have been produced by thermally consolidating commercial powders through hot pressing.

LaB6 is also used as an additive to other ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs) to improve their oxidation resistance at extreme temperatures. Although the optical properties of LaB6 nanoparticles have received renewed attention, the optical properties of bulk and thin film LaB6 have been previously investigated and theoretically modeled due to its well-defined plasma reflection edge.

说明: sintered hexaboride ceramics
Lanthanum hexaboride has a solar absorbance comparable to that of Silicon Carbide, the most advanced solar absorber material in existing plants, but with a higher spectral selectivity. Additionally, as a thermionic material, LaB6 can act as a direct high-temperature solar absorber and electron source, simplifying system complexity in future concentrating solar thermionic systems and introducing innovation to the field.

In conclusion, Lanthanum hexaboride (LaB6) is a versatile and reliable thermionic material that has been widely used for electron emission technology. Its unique properties have also made it a promising candidate for solid absorbers in Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) systems, as well as an additive to improve the oxidation resistance of ultra-high temperature ceramics (UHTCs). The optical properties of LaB6 have been investigated and modeled, and it has been found that it has a solar absorbance comparable to Silicon Carbide, with higher spectral selectivity. As a thermionic material, LaB6 can act as both a direct high-temperature solar absorber and an electron source, simplifying system complexity and introducing innovation to the field of concentrating solar thermionic systems.

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